The Story of the Mount Chicago Project


It all started in 2005 in Napa Valley…..

It all started in 2005 in Napa Valley, when the founder of TasteTV was visiting and remarked upon all of the beautiful rolling hills and valleys surrounding the region. He said to a comrade that in flat Chicago these would be considered mountains, and that Chicagoans are naturally attracted to heights.

His traveling companion said in response that perhaps this is why Chicago has so many skyscrapers, because Chicagoans build their own mountains.

This insight is the concept behind the Mount Chicago Project, which celebrates the entrepreneurship, creativity, and ambition of every person who decides to build their own mountain, in any area of their lives or endeavors.

The Mount Chicago Project is about goals, and ambitions, and what you want to achieve. It is about inspiration, and hope, as well as success.

Climb, build, support, dream.

When you reach your own Mount Chicago, you can look down into the valley and say that view from here is beautiful.